Thursday, January 10, 2013

A quick ministry update

        It has been a while since our last blog post. Hopefully everyone had a blessed holiday season with family and friends! A lot has happened since our last post in November. We are continuing to adjust to life and ministry here, God is continually stretching and growing us. The conference season has been busy with groups coming in almost every weekend, Derek had to go into work the day after Christmas, but it has been such a blessing to serve those who come to this place as this is why we are here! Please pray that everyone who comes up to Victory would grow closer to Christ as a result of their time away from "everyday life" and that they would see Christ living and active in us and the other staff they come in contact with.

       We are now past the darkest time of the winter, the darkness hasn't seemed to affect Derek, it has been tough on me, but God is growing me through this and other tough situations and I am learning to lean on Him in a way I never had before. We were absolutely blessed by all of the many Christmas cards and letters from friends, family, and ministry partners. It's a great feeling to stay connected with the "lower 48" as it can feel pretty lonely up here at times! Thank you also to those of you who sent money for Christmas, We were able to get a few more presents for Taylor and Raeghan than we would have been able to originally, may God bless you all for your giving hearts! Another recent blessing for our family has been that our support has gone up from what our previous goal was set at. When we got here and went grocery shopping for the first time we realized it was going to be tighter than we had anticipated, through seeking the Lord we have seen Him provide amazingly and our support team increased without us having to talk to anyone, we praise God for this! For some reason I thought that when we got here we would be good to go, which is sad because nothing is more awesome than relying on the Lord. I soon realized it we were going to have to live on faith just as much or more than when we were building our support team, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Victory Bible Camp is where God has called us and He has confirmed this over and over, what a privilege it is to serve the King of Kings. He never promised it would be easy, but I know the reward will be well worth it. I am so thankful that I serve God and not men, I tend to be a people pleaser and God has been showing me how very wrong and unsatisfying that is. Please pray for us as we have felt major attacks from Satan since the minute we got here, please pray that we would draw near to God on a moment-by-moment basis.

Prayer Requests

· Please pray for the guest services team, as they serve the guests coming up for conferences. And for the program team as they continue to write curriculum for summer camp and get prepared for that.

·  Please pray that we would have no shortage of counselors and summer staff, and that God would bring the perfect servant hearted, group of people to serve up here this summer.

· Please pray that we would be faithful in what the Lord has called us to

· Please pray that we would not slack in the study of Scripture and prayer

· Please pray that our church Glacier View Bible Church would find just the right man to be their pastor

Thank you to all of our faithful prayer and financial team! We truly cannot express how much you mean to us and how much you impact this ministry! We pray for each one of you, please let us know if there is ever a specific need. In case you didn't get our update with our new address and phone number, here they are:

(907) 746-5336

64741 S. Victory Rd.

Sutton, AK 99674S

Some of the things we've been up to these past two months

Ice Skating behind our house on Shallow Lake


Getting more confident each time he goes

Taylor's first day of kindergarten at Glacier View

In front of our tree on Christmas day

Raeghan pushing her new stroller