Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Staying Connected

John 15:5

" I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."

It's so easy to get discouraged in your Christian walk, especially if you are doing it in your own strength. Trying to memorize Scripture, trying to pray, trying to be in God's Word daily. I heard these verses in John talking about the vine and branches at least once, twice or more a day, for a week straight. Finally, i realized God was using His living Word to get a hold of my heart and remind me that apart from Him I can do nothing! It so easy for me to do things in my own strength completly forgetting that the Holy Spirit wants to produce fruit in me (Gal. 5:22-23) not for my glory, but for God's! And believe me it never works when i plow ahead without Him.

As we are in this support raising process we are constantly reminded that we cannot do this in our own strength, It needs to be through the Vine, and as we stay connected to Him, He will do the rest. That doesn't mean we're just sitting on our hands waiting for Him to bring in all the prayer and financial support that we need, but we realize that He is the one with unlimited resources, who gives freely through His children. We are excited to see God working through this process and after praying we are setting the date of August 1st to be at camp, to join the team in the furtherance of the gospel there.

We want people to understand we are going there as permanent staff, we are supported as missionaries, as the camp is operated on donations from churches and individuals. Victory just recently changed it's name to Victory Bible Camp and Conference center. We will be working hard year round. summer camp, and then conferences the rest of the year. Please pray with us in this, and that we will be patient in waiting as we need to be at 100% of our monthly goal of 2,500. We are currently at 46.2% but that is different than the amount that camp is showing because not all of our supporters have gotten the pledge cards in, we need those in order to reach our goal. So please do that and get in touch with us if you need another one, we understand how things get misplaced! There is also the option of sending an email to our finance lady with your name, address, amount you would like to pledge (you can start sending the money once we actually get to camp) and how often you want to give. Her email is ElaineA@vbcalaska.org. We need a consistent monthly amount, so far most of our supporters are giving on a monthly basis. We obviously won't actually have access to this money until we are our way to Alaska. Thanks for taking the time to read this, remember to stay connected to the Vine!